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Penang’s Kek Chuan Road Listed As World’s 40 Most Beautiful Streets

Penang’s Kek Chuan Road has been named one of “40 of the Most Beautiful Streets in the World That Will Stop You in Your Tracks.”

George Town, Penang is listed at the 17th after Symi, Greece; Boston, Massachusetts; Cape Town, South Africa; Chefchaouen, Morocco; Águeda, Portugal; Alberobello, Italy; Athens, Greece; Colmar, France; Burano, Italy; Kyoto, Japan; Buenos Aires, Argentina; San Miguel de Allende, Mexico; Paris, France; Cotswolds, England; and San Francisco, California.

Others places on the list includes Annecy, France; Phuket, Thailand; Copenhagen, Denmark; Sichuan, China; Istanbul, Turkey; London, England; Brooklyn, New York; Miami, Florida; Milos, Greece; Big Sur, California; Salvador, Brazil; Bergen, Norway; Bamberg, Germany; Campeche, Mexico; San Antonio, Texas; Villefranche-sur-Mer, France; Recife, Brazil; Charleston, South Carolina; Oita, Japan; Québec City, Canada; Bath, England; Cairo, Egypt; and Lisbon, Portugal.

The article which features pastel colours galore, unique architectural details, and more than one UNESCO World Heritage Site, will give you 40 amazing options to bookmark your next travel adventure.

“George Town is a heritage city with lively street art and even more famed street food. If it’s architectural eye candy you’re after, head to Jalan Kek Chuan to peruse the ornately detailed shops that blend Eastern and Western designs,” the article stated.

The road is named after Lim Kek Chuan, the co-founder and first President of the Penang Chinese Chamber of Commerce. He was also the founder of the Chinese Recreation Club and acted as Trustee of the Chinese Town Hall. Some of the townhouses on Kek Chuan Road have been restored and are now readapted as shophouses, collectively known as the Kau Keng Choo (The Nine Shophouses).

Although the website features specifically Kek Chuan Road, there are plenty of other beautiful and historical streets for you to explore in Penang.

George Town City Penang

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